Beth is experienced – She has gathered a variety of work settings for eating disorders since the early 1990’s which allows her to walk alongside her clients to explore their relationship with food and promote healing by blending science and art. She is a Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) through iaedp™ (International Association for Eating Disorders Professionals).

Beth is involved – She is an active member of the Missouri Eating Disorders Council (MOEDC), is founding member of IFEDD (International Federation of Eating Disorders Dietitians), a Board member for the Body Balance Coalition (BBC), a longtime member of the KC Dietetics Association, has provided community outreach and education, and has been part of eating disorders events such as the KC NEDA walk.
Beth is an educator – As Director of Certification for iaedp™, she is committed to ensuring quality training and certification of medical, therapy and nutrition professionals working with eating disorders around the world. Also, one of Beth’s main roles on MOEDC is to provide training for professionals in all areas of the state to recognize and provide care for disordered eating and eating disorders. Beth served as Dietetic Internship Director through the Commission on Dietetics Registration (CDR) for many years. She presents locally and nationally about topics related to food, eating and weight concerns.
Beth is a family person –She is proud mama to two grown children, two Australian shepherds and a small group of (spoiled) hens. She is a Missouri native and is grateful for a husband who cultivates fresh vegetables and flower gardens whenever and wherever possible.
Most importantly, Beth wants to be here for you and with you. She is a nutrition counselor who creates a safe space to explore what is important to you and share your journey to get there.
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